Erasmus +

Positive Learning

THE POSITIVE project aims to promote the development of stress-related coping skills in adolescents throughout a gamified 3D Virtual World Learning Environment (VWLE). 



Recent research on adolescent stress suggests that when young people experience high levels of stress, they are more likely to develop psychological problems that can persist into adulthood. In addition, stress seems to affect students' academic performance, as it reduces their ability to study (Kaplan, Liu, & Kaplan, 2005; Snehlata, 2017).

Given this problem, the POSITIVE project's main objective is to help school students learn, first how to identify stress and second how to overcome obstacles associated with stressful situations during school life. For that, POSITIVE Team propose the development of a 3D Virtual World Learning Environment that will simulate real-life scenarios based on school life that are stressful to students. The focus of the environment is twofold on the one hand, to increase stress awareness, and on the other, to help students better cope with stress. The environment will incorporate gamified virtual scenarios that the student can play while simultaneously learning about stress. The POSITIVE project is also about supporting school educators since using the 3D Virtual World Learning Environment will enhance educators’ competencies and make them aware of the students’ stress issues that can otherwise hinder students’ school performance.

POSITIVE Results (PR) will be presented in four different moments:

News & Update


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